48 Hour Founders

This experiential workshop is designed to help people practice the skills and mindsets required for innovation to thrive in organizational settings.

The program introduces the foundational steps of the entrepreneurial process in an inclusive, safe, fun and challenging way. 

“Finally, it means creating a growth-mindset environment in which people can thrive. This involves: • Presenting skills as learnable • Conveying that the organization values learning and perseverance, not just ready-made genius or talent • Giving feedback in a way that promotes learning and future success • Presenting managers as resources for learning.”

How it Works

This 2.5 day program immerses everyone in the entrepreneurial process. Participants form into teams around an idea. They are given a framework that requires them to address the key aspects of what it takes to go from having a fun notion to a real, investable business idea. On the third day of the workshop, teams present their business ideas to a panel of “investors” in front of an audience of their colleagues. Coaching is provided throughout all three days and two reflection sessions are held to help participants integrate what they are learning – both in terms of the process and with their specific business idea.


People don’t learn how to be entrepreneurial by listening to people talk. They learn by doing things, trying, succeeding, failing, being encouraged and weathering disappointment. We get people started in the process fast because the first step to any kind of growth or change is starting.


Entrepreneurial thinking is driven by experimentation. Good experimentation is more than just trying things and calling it an experiment. The program gives people the chance to practice different ways of trying new things so they can begin to design, implement and evaluate experimentation.


We cannot expect people to be great innovators if we never give them the time, space, or support to practice entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. Working differently or supporting others who are working differently isn’t an overnight, instant change. It takes work, it takes time, it takes practice.


Learning is a continuous process. Entrepreneurial thinking is about adopting a learning mindset and using it in service to building something new. The learning never ends, it expands with time and experience as knowledge and practice are integrated. We help people learn how to become learners.

Start Now

Want a vibrant culture of innovation, creative problem solving and cross functional appreciation and collaboration? Take the first steps to help your people discover and develop their entrepreneurial mindsets and skills.

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